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"The Bird Trap"

AKA Trap Two

This is the background I painted for the trap I conceptualized inspired by smaller, easy to make traps used to catch birds as well as the classic bear traps used for injuring but not killing prey.


The Net Trap Tree

This background was used for the scene where Ernesto throws his rope over a branch close to camera in order to hoist another trap up into a tree. Fairly simple in order to not clutter the action.


Basic Forest Backgrounds

Both these backgrounds were used in multiple shots as Ernesto wanders about the forest.


Lantern Break Background

This background was used for the shots in the climax where Ernesto is running out of the forest and trips. The background was originally green and was subsequently color-corrected to red, but both versions ended up getting used in the final cut.

SH500_BG_CR WEB.png
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